我的腦海裡浮現的第一首歌就是「Perhaps Love」。

這首歌是由鄉村歌手John Denver所作曲,而最有名的版本當屬收錄在世界三大男高音之一的多明哥 (PlacidoDomingo) 的同名專輯中,兩大巨星跨界演出的合唱版本。第一次接觸到這張專輯是高中時代的好友M所介紹的,Domingo以其渾厚的男高音演唱流行的抒情歌曲,在他盪氣迴腸的歌聲裡,充滿令人柔腸百轉的溫柔,而其中「Perhaps Love」更是經典中的經典。不但旋律動聽,詞意亦耐人尋味。在懵懵懂懂,初嚐愛情滋味的當時,這歌詞似乎提醒了我愛情的多樣面,雖然有時候我們在愛中被背叛、衝突、受傷,但愛情同樣帶給我們甜蜜、安心及溫暖。即使時光匆匆流逝,我結婚也快要步入第八個年頭,但這首歌所帶給我的溫暖和感動依舊,或者該說隨著年齡的增長,對這首歌的體會更深一層吧!?

Perhaps love is like a resting place

A shelter from the storm

It exists to give you comfort
It is there to keep you warm

And in those times of trouble

When you are most alone

The memory of love will bring you home 

Perhaps love is like a window

Perhaps an open door

It invites you to come closer

It wants to show you more

And even if you lose yourself and

don’t know what to do

The memory of love will see you through 

Oh love to some is like a cloud

To some as strong as steel

For some a way of living

For some a way to feel

And some say love is holding on

And some say letting go

And some say love is everything

Some say they don’t know

Perhaps love is like the ocean

Full of conflict full of pain

Like a fire when it’s cold outside

Thunder when it rains

If I should live forever

And all my dreams come true

My memories of love will be of you






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